Pei Zhang


Ph.D. candidate

College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology (NUDT)

Location: Deya Road, Kaifu District, Changsha, Hunan Province, P.R. China.

E-mail: (prior),

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[2022.06]  One paper is accepted by AAAI.
[2021.10]  One paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
[2021.11]  One paper is accepted by International Journal of Intelligent Systems.
[2020.12]  One paper is accepted by IEEE TMM. [link]
[2020.12]  One paper is accepted by IEEE TKDE. [link]
[2020.10]  One paper is accepted by Sensors. [link]
[2020.10]  One paper is accepted by Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology. [link]

Research Interest

I work in the field of machine learning and data mining. Currently, I focus on the following research topics:

  • Multi-view learning

  • Incomplete multi-view clustering

  • Multi-modal fusion

  • Deep clustering

  • Contrastive learning


  • [2021.03-Now]        Ph.D in PRMI group , NUDT.                     Supervisor: Prof. En Zhu & Xinwang Liu

  • [2018.09-2020.12]   M.S. in School of Computer, NUDT.          Supervisor: Prof. Xinwang Liu & Zhiping Cai

  • [2014.09-2018.06]   B.S. in School of Software, YNU.               Supervisor: Prof. Zhijie Zheng


  1. Liu Suyuan, Wang Siwei, Zhang Pei, Xu Kai, Liu Xinwang, Zhang Changwang, Gao Feng. “Efficient one-pass multi-view subspace clustering with consensus anchors”,Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence,(2022).

  2. Wang Siwei, Liu Xinwang, Zhu Xinzhong, Zhang Pei, Zhang Yi, Gao Feng, Zhu En. “Fast parameter-free multi-view subspace clustering with consensus anchor guidance”,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,(2021).

  3. Cheng Zhen, Wang Siwei, Zhang Pei, Wang Siqi, Liu Xinwang, Zhu En. “Improved autoencoder for unsupervised anomaly detection”,International Journal of Intelligent Systems,(2021).

  4. Sun Mengjing, Zhang Pei, Wang Siwei, Zhou Sihang, Tu Wenxuan, Liu Xinwang, Zhu En, Wang Changjian. “Scalable multi-view subspace clustering with unified anchors”, ACM Multimedia,(2021).

  5. Sun Mengjing, Wang Siwei, Zhang Pei, Liu Xinwang, Guo Xifeng, Sihang Zhou, and En Zhu. “Projective Multiple Kernel Subspace Clustering.” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), (2021). [Link] [Code]

  6. Zhang, Pei, Xinwang Liu, Jian Xiong, Sihang Zhou, Wentao Zhao, En Zhu, and Zhiping Cai. “Consensus One-step Multi-view Subspace Clustering.” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), (2020). [Link] [PDF] [Code] [BibTeX]

  7. Zhang, Pei, Siwei Wang, Jingtao Hu, Zhen Cheng, Xifeng Guo, En Zhu, and Zhiping Cai. “Adaptive Weighted Graph Fusion Incomplete Multi-View Subspace Clustering.” Sensors, (2020). [Link] [PDF] [Code]

  8. Zhang, Pei, Xinwang Liu, Jian Xiong, Sihang Zhou, Wentao Zhao, En Zhu, and Zhiping Cai. “One-stage Partition-fusion Multi-view Subspace Clustering Algorithm.” Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology, (2020). [Link]